Samantha Chez-Magbanua says that being a woman means bearing more responsibilities than a man. She further says that today’s Woman has not only bounded to home as a housewife but, she has also stepped out of the door as a career woman. Thus, she has became capable of managing their role both sided in order negligence as it will bring imbalance in their life when she frequently prefers one role and leave the others.
Samantha Chez-Magbanua further says that if a married woman preferred her career then she has to face the threat of broken homes and on the other side is she preferred staying at home then her inner potential ability will be sunk or buried forever. For this reason, those outstanding and unbeatable women shall fight for meeting the challenge if they take both roles. She further suggested that in order to overcome this then there must be mutual understanding between husband and wife and they have to complement each other in their family as they both plays an important role in bringing the balance to their life.
A woman with good educational background will not only help in achieving several opportunities. Samantha Chez-Magbanua further says that a career oriented woman will also play an important role in improving the economy of her country and it will also help those women who are still disheartened and wanted to achieve her goals. Being a housewife Samantha Chez-Magbanua she says that a career oriented woman will not only bring a change t her life but also help in improving the society.
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